As our business grows to include more international customers, and with them the need for a more common language, we decided to move to an English website on a .com address. Rest assured, our Danish roots and dedication continue through this new platform, and we hope you welcome this change as much as we do. Through our new website, we have also decided to focus more on what effectmanager can do for our customers, rather than on features and functions. With data from dozens of customers now available, we are excited to announce that our users have seen improved trade promotions by as much as 5%. Think about how that figures into your bottom line for each retailer and we think you’ll be excited, too.
What hasn’t changed is our product. Effectmanager continues to help our customers increase promotion profit and dramatically improve relationships with retailers. With powerful tools to help both management and field force analyze POS data from retailers, effectmanager remains one of the best solutions to help our customers focus on the double profit line.
Moving to a new platform isn’t always easy, but we’ve improved this process, too. If you’re currently using Excel to manage your trade promotions, and are seeking for an easier and more reliable solution, start with our basic subscription – we guarantee you’ll quickly see the benefits.
If you need to handle POS data from retailers, try the Pro subscription. It combines POS data with promotion planning and evaluation, giving you a much more accurate picture of the promotion result. Adding POS data to your effectmanager subscription enables you to use the same sales data as the retailer and update "Completed" promotions with 100% accurate sales data. Communicating these results with your retailers shows them that you have their best interests in mind and helps build trust in the relationship.
For larger organizations, the Enterprise subscription includes effectmanager for your sales department. Many of our customers use effectmanager as the single point of data entry for the Key Account Manager, supplying forecasting, accruals and budgets for the rest of the company. Effectmanager also integrates with your CRM system so that you can assimilate the promotions, products and prices data directly from the system, minimizing the risks of double entry. Across the organization, information is pulled from one source, supplying finance, demand planning and the field force with the exact same data, greatly reducing errors.
We’re confident in the effectmanager solution and invite you to contact us for a free trial or an online demonstration today.