Welcome new customers
At effectmanager we would like to warmly welcome all new customers and can proudly announce one old cooperation, that has grown even closer.
We are always glad to welcome new customers to the community. It helps us and our system evolve.
Royal Unibrew
We can produly announce, that Royal Unibrew has chosen to add the promotion module to their existing effectmanager solution. This will provide them with even better insight into their promotion process and provide them with in-depth knowledge they can share with their customers. Combining POS data with promotion insight creates even more value for their sales consultants and the chains.
"At Royal Unibrew we have chosen the promotion planning module for our effectmanager solution to gain a better insight into our promotions across chains. As our category is very promotion-oriented, this gives our KAMs a tool that creates an overview of the planning and evaluation of promotions." Keld Abel, Category Manager, Royal Unibrew
Aqua d'Or
We are pleased to announce our new collaboration with Aqua d'Or, who will use effectmanager with POS integration which provides them with valuable insights to build business cases based on historic point of sales data and create added value for their customers.
We are happy to announce our collaboration with Fazer. The Fazer Group operates in eight countries and exports to around 40 countries. Fazer will use our effectmanager with the promotion module and POS integration to get at more complete overview of their trade promotions.
Retail Partner ApS
It is with joy that we announce our collaboration with Retail Partner ApS, who will use our solution with POS integration, which provides them with valuable insight to best evaluate consumer behavior.
“At Retail Partner ApS, our expectations with this collaboration are, that effectmanager will help drive further growth now and in the future by becoming an integrated part of our business foundation, as we see effectmanager being the basis for evaluation and decisions.” Jesper Sødam Jensen, Country Sales Director, Retail Partner ApS.
We are glad to announce our new collaboration with Nupo. Nupo will use effectmanager with the promotion module and POS integration to get closer to their business and get more time for promotion planning and analysis. Combining POS integration with promotion insights will provide in depth knowledge about consumer behavior.
Do you wish to see, how we helped another customer, optimize their forecast accuracy by 25% and improve their customer relationsship?